Interview Exclusive

Interview with blank paper

08/08/2022 2022-08-08 14:00:00 KoME Author: Noémie Translator: Noémie Photographer: LuCioLe

Interview with blank paper

Ahead of their live showcase at "Japan Expo" in Paris, blank paper spoke to JaME about their mission of musical healing.

© Vanessa Aubry
Although they debuted under major label avex in 2021, little is known about blank paper. Presented as artificial intelligences, they have already released two singles: enemy and High Legacy. Just before they took the stage at Japan Expo in Paris, JaME tried to learn what we could about the otherworldly duo.

Hello, could you introduce yourselves to those who don’t know you yet?

blank paper: We come from the Metaverse, more specifically from a world called “534” that looks like Earth: we call it “Earth Twin”. This world was saved by our music. We create medicine-like songs that you can’t drink or inject, and we take inspiration from our fans — our “followers" — to create sounds that fit them.

What inspired the name blank paper?

T3R354: This name is based on the idea of a blank sheet of paper that is going to be coloured by the various events of our time. It’s the same for our music: it will give back its colours to our followers’ hearts.

Could you explain both your code names and respective roles?

C45P3R: My name C45P3R. It stands for “Casper”, which reminds me of a popular character that fits our theme. I am the masculine voice of the group and I am in charge of the audio tracks.

T3R354: My name "Teresa" was given to me at birth and I assume it was my creator’s will. I am the feminine voice of blank paper and I also write the lyrics while taking inspiration from all kinds of anxieties. Our goal is to bring joy to people because there is negativity in this world.

Why did you decide to hide your faces? Did you get the inspiration from the French band Daft Punk?

blank paper: Since our aim is to produce happiness through music, we couldn’t risk ruining its perception because of our physical appearances. Our music is a remedy. That is why our white outfits remind you of those of pharmacists or even laboratory technicians.

What are your musical influences?

blank paper: We like J-pop. We decided to make music after listening to Japanese music.

You just released a new single called High Legacy. Could you tell us more about it?

blank paper: This single is used as the theme song of a wrestling TV show in Japan. We were directly contacted by its production team. In the end, we created a song that showcases the strength of all the wrestlers standing in the ring.

What are your plans for the future?

blank paper: We will perform at HYPER JAPAN in England very soon, so it’s an opportunity to increase the number of our followers. On Twitter, we are logging all kinds of anxieties because we would like to create music that resembles our fanbase.

C45P3R: I have seen on the news that the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci is a forgery, so we would like to find the original one... (laughs)

T3R354: A lot has been happening in the world and as a consequence, there are many negative emotions right now. We hope our music makes people happy again.

JaME would like to thank blank paper and their collaborators for this interview opportunity.



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