
Upcoming Releases

14/05/2008 2008-05-14 12:00:00 KoME Source: kyobobook, hip-hop playa Author: sianface

Upcoming Releases

Work will release their debut album on May 15th. The four member band is said to have formed in 2004 and combine elements of new age, jazz, rock and folk into their music as well as sensitive lyrics.

Suh Young Eun is set to make a return to the music industry with the release of a mini-album on May 16th. Walk In The Desert contains 5 tracks including the track Goodbye, which is a collaboration with Han Kyung Il and is written by Vibe's Yoon Min Soo.

V.O.S (Voice of Soul) will release their third album on May 16th. Wonderful Things contains 11 tracks from the three-piece and comes with a poster and postercase.

Female ballad singer Ran will release her third album on May 16th. I Love You features 11 tracks, including two instrumentals, and features a collaboration with H-Eugene.

Kil Gun is set to return with her first release in over a year! May 20th sees the release of a new album Light Of The World, which features previously released material. The album will contain 11 tracks and is her first release since Born Again in April of last year.

Hip-hop vocalist Rhymer will release his "1.5" album on May 20th. Brand New Life is the second release from the vocalist and features 5 new tracks. Each track on the mini-album is a collaboration with a different artist, notable collaborations include Double K and Amen Of Icon.

Park Hye Kyoung will be releasing a reissue of her March remake album entitled Yeojaga saranghalttae Repack - Lemon Tree. The release contains the original release as well as bonus CD containing the song Lemon Tree as well as two remixes of the song. The album is due to be released on May 20th.

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