
Upcoming Releases: Iota, Eco Bridge, GUMX

10/07/2008 2008-07-10 12:00:00 KoME Source: yesasia, Iota official site, Author: sianface

Upcoming Releases: Iota, Eco Bridge, GUMX

Iota, whose music has been described as "electronica artrock", will release a 1.5 album on July 17th. The release contains just 3 tracks (Goseumdochisarang, Join me and So sexy) and is her first release since the album 9 gaeui geurim 9 gaeui eumak. More information about Iota and her projects can be found at her official site.

Jazz group Eco Bridge will release their new album, Ordinarian, on July 21st. It's their second album release, the first being 2007's Leaving The Past.

GUMX will release their third album, Old, on July 21st. The band has been around since 1996 and cite the American bands NOFX and Green Day as their main influences. The new album contains 12 tracks and is available for preorder now.